How to Interleave and De-Interleave Sound Files

How to Interleave and De-Interleave Sound Files

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Try the command-line programs sndfile-deinterleave and sndfile-interleave. They are packaged in Erik de Castro Lopo’s C library libsndfile. See this post for details. The programs can be used to split a single, multi-channel file into multiple mono files, and combine multiple mono files into a single, multi-channel file. This can be useful for tasks such as combining two mono files into a single stereo file, or for separating a stereo file into two mono files. However, it can also be used for projects with higher channel counts. Note that the programs will create new sound files and keep the originals intact.

Additionally, Scott Wilson’s De-Interleaver is a handy stand-alone Mac app for interleaving/de-interleaving sound files. It performs like the before-mentioned command-line programs, but has a GUI. I recently used it to de-interleave an hour-long, 96-channel .caf file into 96 separate, hour-long files.

Also see Eric Lyon’s command-line utility called demux for extracting mono audio files from a multi-channel audio file.

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